Confront Dow Chemical at the Dow/Live Earth Run for Water


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Confront Dow Chemical at the Dow/Live Earth Run for Water
Tell Dow: You Can’t Run from Your Responsibilities!
APRIL 18 2010, 8:00 am

Dow Chemical was among the chief producers and profiteers of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.  In addition to wartime exposure resulting in cancers and other diseases, the people of Vietnam continue to be exposed to Agent Orange to this day because of the persistent contamination of the soil and water in a number of toxic “hot spots.”  As a result even children born 2 and 3 generations after the war are suffering from serious birth defects.

Now Dow wants to champion itself as a beacon of humanitarian and ecological practice. They claim to show “high regard for human health, safety and environmental stewardship.”  They talk about “enhancing the quality of life of current and future generations and claim to be the human element.”  But actions speak louder than words!

Dow has completely disavowed responsibility for the consequences of Agent Orange.  Dow talks plenty about its efforts to provide clean drinking water throughout the world.  Dow makes money by selling its water purification technology but it still won’t pay to clean up water it polluted!  In a clear example of corporate “greenwashing” Dow is sponsoring an international Run for Water.  This is the perfect time to confront Dow in the face of its blatant lies and hold them accountable to their claims.  If Dow wants to show a commitment to clean water then Dow needs to clean up its messes and compensate its victims!

We call upon people of conscience to
confront Dow at the Run for Water

  • Require Dow to clean up the toxic hot spots caused in Vietnam where their deadly chemicals remain in the environment.
  • Tell Dow to do the right thing by providing compensation and assistance to Vietnam’s Agent Orange victims and by compensating all the people affected by Agent Orange exposure in the US, Cambodia, Laos, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.
  • Tell Dow to clean up the contamination it is responsible for in Bhopal, India.

Click here to download the LA action flyer.
Click here to download the NYC action flyer.

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