We Demand Rapid Evacuation of People Threatened with Radioactive Materials from Fukushima Nuclear Plants


March 20, 2011

We Urge the Japanese Government to Take the Following Actions Regarding the Crisis at the Fukushima Nuclear Plants:

Despite strenuous efforts, there is an increasing danger that large amounts of radioactive material might be released from Unit No. 3, which is loaded with fuel containing plutonium.  We are particularly concerned about the people currently within the 20-30 km zone from Fukushima Daiichi, who have been instructed to stay indoors until further notice.  These people should be evacuated as quickly as possible far away from the nuclear plant.

CNIC has been urging the government to prioritize evacuation of pregnant women, infants and children.  We once again strongly urge the government to take these actions.

It is also necessary to evacuate people from areas outside the 30 km zone that may be contaminated with significant amounts of radioactive materials.  We demand that the government proceed to a rapid evacuation.

(We note that it is our understanding that a short-term stay in these areas for the purpose of rescue operations will not entail major risk.)

— 原子力資料情報室からのメッセージ(3)




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For more information, visit <www.cnic.jp>.

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