Communiqué No. 32

The National Front of Resistance against the Coup d’Etát, facing the imminent signing of a negotiated agreement between the commission representing the legitimate President Manuel Zelaya Rosales and the representatives of the de facto regime, communicates the following to the Honduran people and the international community:

1. We celebrate the upcoming restoration of President Manuel Zelaya Rosales as a popular victory over the petty interests of the coup-making oligarchy.  This victory was won through more than four months of struggle and sacrifice by the people who, despite the savage repression unleashed by the repressive forces of the state in the hands of the dominant class, have been able to resist and grow in their levels of consciousness and organization and turn themselves into an irrepressible social force.

2. The signing on the part of the dictatorship of the document which mandates “returning the holder of executive power to his pre-June 28 state” represents the explicit admission that in Honduras there was a coup d’état that should be dismantled in order to return to the institutional order and guarantee a democratic framework in which the people can exercise their right to transform society.

3. We demand that the accords signed at the negotiating table be processed expeditiously by the National Congress.  In this regard, we alert all our comrades at the national level to join the actions to pressure for the immediate compliance with the contents of the final document from the negotiating table.

4. We reiterate that a National Constituent Assembly is an inalienable aspiration of the Honduran people and a non-negotiable right for which we will continue to struggle in the streets, until we achieve the re-founding of our society to convert it into one that is just, egalitarian, and truly democratic.

“125 days of struggle, and nobody here surrenders!”
Tegucigalpa, M.D.C. October 30, 2009

The original communiqué in Spanish is available at <>.  Translation by the Nicaragua Network, edited for publication here.

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